Chin Chow Trading Co. Limited was established in 1977. We provide a comprehensive range of services for the global market - from sourcing and development to manufacturing. We are specialised in manufacturing all kinds of bags and luggage items. Our professional team, proficient in English and Chinese, is able to cater to all specific needs and requirements.
We are co-operating with the company Heinrich Sieber & Co. GmbH & Co. KG in Germany
who supports us with designs and trend research, plus updates us on the latest European
market information.

Our office and showroom are located in the city center of Hong Kong in Tsimshatsui near Star Ferry.
Our professional team, proficient in English and Chinese, is able to cater to all specific needs
and requirements.

To ensure the high quality standards, only top quality materials are used to produce our bags and regular controls take place during the production process. Independent and recognized testing institutes (like LGA, TÜV, SGS) conduct additional tests on our products.

Chin Chow produces according to international standards such as BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative) and thus supports safeguarding of social standards, statutory minimum wages, and standard working hours at our suppliers, among others.